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Age Problems

We have created a novel method of solving word problems on age, and we solve the problem like a human.

You can change value of any Input Box and the solution will change when you press "Enter" or when you leave Input Box:

(1) The sum of ages of and is and the difference between their ages is . Find their present ages.

(2) The sum of ages of and is . After years, the ratio of their ages will be , find their present ages.

(3) The sum of ages of and is . years ago, the ratio of their ages was , find their present ages.

(4) The difference between ages of and is . After years, the ratio of their ages will be , find their present ages.

(5) The ratio of ages of and is . After years, the ratio of their ages will be , find their present ages.

(6) The ratio of ages of and is . years ago, the ratio of their ages was , find their present ages.

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